Make your hand washing more enjoyable by generating foam in the shape of a paw pad on your palm. This unique handwash from Kao Biore is perfect to help your kids make handwashing a habit.
Simply push the top of its soap dispenser with your opened palm, and you will see that there is an adorable paw pad-shaped block of foam on your palm.
Place your palm on the dispenser part and press it vertically, then separate your hand from the dispenser. After performing this step, wash your hands in the normal way.
Make sure to make your palm flat while pressing the dispenser top. The foam may not shape like a pad if your palm is rounded.
Do not push the pump twice with the same palm or you will not be able to generate a beautiful paw pad.
For more successful results, lightly remove the wetness in advance: the foam may collapse if your hand is too wet.
If any foam remains on the dispenser part, lightly rinse it with water. You can remove this part to wash it thoroughly.